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Food Allergies and Dietary Restrictions

Please complete this form if you have food allergies or follow a strict vegan diet. We offer a meat, seafood, and vegetarian entrée nightly at dinner and can always accommodate a vegetarian or pescatarian diet—no need to fill out the form if those are your only dietary limitations. While at the Lodge, please alert your server to your allergies and/or restrictions at each meal, and they will provide you with the options from our daily menus that fit within your dietary needs.

First Name:
* required
 Please enter your first name   
Last Name:
* required
 Please enter your last name   
* required
 Please enter your email address   
Event, Group or Reservation Name (if different than Guest Name):

Dates Requested:
Arrival Date
* required
Please enter your arrival date   
Number of Nights
Departure Date

Please tell us if you are allergic to any of the following:
 Tree Nuts
 Other; please specify:
Our kitchen prepares the above foods, and our facility may contain trace amounts of them.
Severe Medical Allergy:
 I have a severe medical allergy
 I do not have a severe medical allergy
* required
Please select one of the options
Please tell us anything else we should know about any food allergies or other dietary restrictions:
My diet is:

The following foods are always available:

Soy MilkDairy-free SorbetGluten-free Soy Sauce
Oat MilkQuinoaGluten-free Bread
Almond Milk  

Specially requested food items not listed above are subject to availability and additional charge.

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Site by Checkmate Productions